
"NOSITE MASKE" Poznata glumica osjeća siptome i nakon tri nedjelje BORBE sa virusom

Glumica Ana Kemp se više od tri nedjelje borila sa korona virusom, a nakon što je dobila negativan rezultat testa odlučila je da sa javnošću podijeli svoje iskustvo.Ana je na

"NOSITE MASKE" Poznata glumica osjeća siptome i nakon tri nedjelje BORBE sa virusom

Instagramu napisala da je rezultat poslednjeg testa pokazao da više nema korona virus, ali da ona i dalje osjeća pojedine tegobe.

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Hi friends… I felt it was my responsibility to share that I ended up getting Covid-19. I have since tested negative, but I was extremely sick for over three weeks and still have lingering symptoms. I was incredibly safe. I wore a mask. I used hand sanitizer. One time, when the world was starting to open up, I decided to forgo wearing my mask in public. One. Time. And I ended up getting it. I believe it may have been because of that one time. People are saying it’s like having the flu, but I’ve had the flu, and this is absolutely not that. The panic of contracting a virus that is basically untreatable and is so new that no one knows the long term irreparable damage it does to your immune system is unbelievably stressful. Completely losing my sense of smell and taste without knowing when or even if they will return is extremely disorienting. I’m only smelling about 30 percent of how I used to now. Other persistent symptoms are (a month later) dizziness, extreme fatigue, impacted sinuses, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and fever. I’m lucky. Because I didn’t die. But people are. Please wear ur mask. It can happen any time. And it can happen to anyone. Even that one time you feel safe. We can all make a difference. Wearing a mask is saving lives. Thank you to everyone who reached out to check on me during this scary time. Please be safe out there. Let’s all do our part and wear a mask. I don’t want any of you to go through what I did. Even though it’s a little thing, it can have a huge impact, and it’s so incredibly easy to do❤️

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Pozdrav prijatelji. Negativna sam, ali bila sam bolesna više od tri nedjelje i još uvijek imam neke simptome. Čuvala sam se, nosila sam masku, koristila sam sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku. Samo jednom nisam stavila masku i vjerujem da sam možda tada dobila virus. Potpuno sam izgubila čulo mirisa i ukusa i ne znam kada će se vratiti, i da li će se vratiti, osjećam samo oko 30 odsto onoga što sam nekada. Ostali simptomi koje imam i dalje su vrtoglavica, ekstremni umor, oštećeni sinusi, uznemiren stomak, mučnina, povraćanje i groznica. Ja sam srećnik, jer nisam umrla. Ali ljudi umiru – napisala je glumica, a potom apelovala na sve da nose maske, piše Blic.

– Nosite masku. Nošenje maske spasava živote. Čuvajte se. Ne želim da bilo ko od vas prođe kroz ono što sam ja prošla – napisala je Ana na kraju.

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