

Sedam prasića, koji su postali zvijezde na društvenim mrežama, pronađeni su ostavljeni na ulici u Nišu. Danas se oni nalaze u skloništu za konje “Staro brdo” u Lapovu.


– Prasiće je zapazio čovjek, dok je pecao na jezeru i poslao je sliku prijatelju, koji ju je proslijedio prijateljici, našoj poznanici. Ona je objavila na svom Fejsbuk nalogu da prasići umiru i da im treba pomoć. Zamolili smo je da ih doveze do Niša, veterinaru. Dovezla ih je i smješteni su na dva dana kod druge naše poznanice, ali nisu mogli tu da ostanu pošto je to ipak grad – navela je za PetFace Jovana iz britanske organizacije Serbia’s forgotten paws koja pomaže životinjama u Srbiji.

Ona navodi da su zamolili azil za konje “Staro brdo” da ih prihvati, ako oni pokriju troškove.

A s obzirom na to da već dugo godina imaju saradnju, složili su se. Do sada je saradnja uspostavljena oko konja i magaraca.

– Prasići su sada kod njih i plan je da se koriste za edukaciju ljudi i djece. Što se edukacije tiče, ne očekujemo od ljudi da prestanu da jedu prasetinu, ali mislimo da bi bilo lijepo da djeca imaju priliku da upoznaju ovih sedam prasića i da sazanaju kako se korektno treba brinuti o njima prije nego što završe na njihovom tanjiru, ako odluče da ih jedu – istakla je Jovana.

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Once upon a time (Thursday 😂), 7 little piggies were rescued in Serbia. . In orange we have little Sue with two stitched up wounds. In blue we have smiley Nada (her name means hope in Serbian). In green we have Dave (we didnt ask who he was named after!). In black we have Sir Isaac Newton. In yellow we have Potato! In brown we have a boy who's name we're still waiting on. In grey we have a girl who's name we're still waiting on. . We dont know what happened to their momma but its most likely that she died and her owner did not want to hand rear 8 hungry mouths. . The vet has checked them today again and will do so tomorrow too, he's pleased with how active they are and how well they're eating. . They're being kept warm and are allowed out for short play and run around time which they love. They go through bushes and turn over leaves even though they're tiny! . We hope to find them small jumpers (they're under 2kg) so that they can have more outdoor time. If you’re a knitter and fancy making piglet coats DM us for measurements! 🙏🏼 ❤️ . They're very cute and tiny now but when fully grown they'll be between 250 and 350kg!!! . Yikes! . They can’t stay where they are so we desperately need funds to start preparing for their move to the horse sanctuary which kindly offered some of their land for us to use if we can secure it and build appropriate housing for the kids! . The piglets also need their feed and vet bills covered. The boys will be neutered as soon as the vet says its fine to do so. In order for these piglets not to end up on someone's dinner plate we have to cover their costs and provide them with adequate housing so we need your help! . Maybe we’re crazy, but look at how cute they are? How could we leave them to freeze/starve to death in the middle of nowhere? . Please help these piglets live! Their life already started to so horrifically, they deserve a chance to live. . JustGiving link in bio! . You can also donate via PayPal to [email protected] or by clicking here paypal.me/sfp15 – please mark 'piglets'! ❤️ . #piglets #rescuepig #rescuepiglet #piggy #piggies #pigsofinstagram #pig #pigs #serbiasforgottenpaws

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Iz organizacije Serbia’s forgotten paws smatraju da se većina ljudi koja drži svinje ne stara korekno o njima, da li zato što ih ne zanima ili zato što ne znaju, ali smatraju da vrijedi pokušati da se to promijeni.

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ALL PIG ADVICE VERY WELCOME!!! Well….where do we start? We are no Serbia’s Forgotten Paws AND Piglets!! Seven, 10 day old piglets were dumped to die, we know nothing about pigs but we couldn’t leave them…so….🤪😂 . After a man spotted a poorly piglet we went to investigate and found SEVEN. Full story on our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/178350005682729/posts/1004907526360302/ . We desperately need funds to start preparing for their move on Sunday. They also need their feed and vet bills covered. The boys will be neutered as soon as the vet says its fine to do so. This is a huge learning curve for us so if any of you have pigs please feel free to send us advice. (We can all google but there is so much information out there we'd prefer first hand experience). . Please, please, please help these piglets live! Their life already started to so horrifically, they deserve a chance to live. . Click here to donate your spare change: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/7lilpiglets . You can also donate via PayPal to [email protected] or by clicking here paypal.me/sfp15 – please mark 'piglets' . The first 7 donors of £50 or more get to name a piglet. New name, new beginning! We will need to arrange some bows/puppy collars for them so we can tell them apart until we get to know them! 🐷🐷🐷 @estherthewonderpig @joythesheep #rescuepig #pig #piglet #pigsofinstagram #piglets #piggy #adoptdontshop #animalrescue #help

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– Djeca će imati priliku da upoznaju ovih sedam prasića, da ih češkaju, da se igraju, a onda je na njima da li će ih jesti ili ne. Za ovih nedjelju dana od kada smo spasili prasiće smo mnogo naučili i sami. Strašno su društveni, vole da se maze, da se češkaju i naravno da jedu kao pravi prasići. Kada su spaseni nisu znali ni na cuclu da piju. Trenutno su teški samo oko dva kilograma i manji su od domaće mačke – ističe Jovana.

Ovi prasići su spaseni i sada uživaju u životu i popularnosti na internetu, ono što iz ove organizacije naglašavaju jeste da sedmoro prasića nikada neće ići u ishranu, piše Petface.net.

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