
DOBILA BITKU Zbog golih fotki manekenke Instagram promijenio pravila za golotinju (FOTO)

Britanska plus sajz manekenka Naomi Nikolas-Viliams pokrenula je kampanju na Instagramu nakon što je ta društvena mreža uklonila njenu fotografiju uz objašnjenje da je previše eksplicitna.

DOBILA BITKU Zbog golih fotki manekenke Instagram promijenio pravila za golotinju (FOTO)

Naime, Naomi je objavila fotografiju na kojoj sjedi na stolici u toplesu i grudi pridržava rukama, a nedugo nakon toga Instagram ju je uklonio.

Kako je objasnila,Vilijamskovoj nije jasno zašto je ta fotografija uklonjena, dok se tolerišu gole fotografije Kim Kardašijan i Emili Ratajkovski.

– Zašto se moje tijelo uvijek cenzuriše? Uvijek su na meti crne žene s krupnijim tijelima i od toga sam umorna. Konstantno sam tu, dijelim svoju umjetnost i pokušavam normalizovatri sve tipove tijela, a stalno me pokušavaju ušutkati – napisala je, između ostalog manekenka.

Njezina peticija je prikupila preko 20.000 potpisa te je nakon nekoliko mjeseci Instagram objavio da će ažurirati svoja pravila vezana uz golotinju, prenosi Index.

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📢Today is the day Instagram and Facebook changes their policy to ensure all body types- namely black plus sized bodies- are treated fairly on the platforms. As of today, Wednesday 28th October 2020, Instagram and Facebook will "allow content where someone is simply hugging, cupping or holding their breasts". To protect the younger users from potential pornographic content if a picture shows "breast squeezing in a grabbing motion or there is a clear change in the shape of the breasts", that content will be in breach of the rules. This policy change should allow them to better differentiate self expression/ art from pornographic content. The policy change is effective from today and will begin to be enforced from today however the external wording in the policy will be available to read from the 2nd November (I will pop the link in my bio so you can all have a read of it once live). Gina, Alex, and I are creating a typeform where you can upload info on any of your content that has been removed. This is in the interest of helping instagram ensure this policy is upheld and is as successful as it can be. The link will be available tomorrow to use in my bio (we are hoping it won’t be needed though). This is only the beginning, there is still much work to be done. Instagram and Facebook are taking steps in the right direction to ensure the plus sized community is protected, Instagram have said "In addition to this policy change, earlier this year we committed to broader equity work to help ensure we better support the Black community on our platform. This work is going to take some time, but we’re going to continue to provide updates. Our goal is that this work will get us closer to making sure Instagram is a place where everyone feels safe, supported, and free to express themselves", I will continue to hold Instagram to account to ensure this happens..  This is a huge victory for the black plus sized community and a great early birthday present! Thank you to every single one of you who reposted, or used the iwanttoseenyome hashtag; you helped amplify our voices and pushed our campaign forward.

A post shared by Nyome Nicholas – Williams (@curvynyome) on

Instagram je objavio da će dozvoliti sve sadržaje u kojima neko grli ili drži svoje grudi te su priznali da nisu uspijevali vlastita pravila uvijek primjenjivati jednako, ali se nadaju da će sada osigurati jednak pristup svim tipovima tijela.

Jedna stavka u njihovom saopštenju posebno je zanimljiva.

Naime, možete pokazivati svoje grudi u vlastitom zagrljaju, sve dok vam se ne vide bradavice, ali iz Instagrama kažu da negdje ipak moraju povući crtu. Ipak, nije dopušteno stiskati grudi ili mijenjati im oblik rukama, jer to će i dalje kršiti njihova pravila.

– Ovo je velik korak i drago mi je da smo otvorili dijalog o promjenama koje se mogu napraviti kada žene rade skupa i koriste svoje platforme za to da bi napravile promjenu – rekla je manekenka nakon Instagramovog saopštenja.

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