
MISTERIJA Novi osumnjičeni u slučaju nestanka djevojčice čiji se trag izgubio PRIJE 13 GODINA

Britanska policija otkrila je informacije o novom sumnjivcu koji se povezuje sa nestankom Medelajn Meken.

MISTERIJA Novi osumnjičeni u slučaju nestanka djevojčice čiji se trag izgubio PRIJE 13 GODINA

Riječ je o 43-godišnjem Nijemcu koji je 2007. godine, u vrijeme nestanka Medelajn, živio na farmi tri kilometra od apartmanskog naselja u portugalskom mjestu Praja da Luž u Algarveu, javljaju britanski mediji.

Kako prenosi BBC, nestao je s tog imanja godinu prije nestanka djevojčice, ali policija smatra da se zadržao u blizini.

Opisan je kao bijelac, visok oko 180 centimetara, vitak, kratke plave kose. U vrijeme Madelajninog nestanka imao je 30 godina.

Madeleine McCann | Suspect Identified & New Appeal

Madeleine McCann | Significant Investigative Update & New AppealSuspect identified as 43-year-old German man.Detectives leading enquiries into the 2007 disappearance of Madeleine McCann have made a new public appeal for information. It is now 13 years since Madeleine was reported missing during a family holiday in Portugal and the team of officers leading the Met’s investigation, known as Operation Grange, are today, Wednesday, 3 June, making a public appeal linked to a significant new line of enquiry. Met detectives working with German authorities have identified a man currently imprisoned in Germany as a suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance. This man is white and in 2007 is believed to have had short blond hair, possibly fair. He was about 6ft in height with a slim build. He is 43-years-old, but in 2007 may have looked between 25 to early 30s.We have established that he lived on and off in the Algarve between 1995 and 2007. He is connected to the area of Praia da Luz and surrounding regions, and spent some short spells in Germany.This individual, who we will not identify, is currently in prison in Germany for an unrelated matter.Today, detectives have revealed details of two vehicles which the suspect is known to have had access to and used around the time of Madeleine’s disappearance.The first vehicle is a distinctive VW T3 Westfalia campervan. It is an early 1980s model, with two tone markings, a white upper body and a yellow skirting. It had a Portuguese registration plate. The suspect had access to this van from at least April 2007 until sometime after May 2007. It was used in and around the area of Praia da Luz.We believe he was living in this van for days, possibly weeks, and may have been using it on 3 May 2007. We are appealing for anyone who may have seen it in or around Praia da Luz on 3 May, the night Madeleine went missing, the days before, or weeks following the disappearance.The second vehicle is a 1993 British Jaguar, model XJR 6, with a German number plate and registered in Germany.This car is believed to have been in the Praia da Luz and surrounding areas in 2006 and 2007. The car was originally registered in the suspect’s name. On 4 May 2007, the day after Madeleine’s disappearance, the car was re-registered to someone else in Germany.To re-register the car in Germany you don’t have to have the car in the country or region. We believe the car was still in Portugal and would like information if you saw it.The Met is asking if anyone saw these cars together or individually during the spring and summer of 2007. Both of these vehicles are now held by the German authorities. Detectives are also appealing for information about two mobile phone numbers, one of which is believed to have been used by the suspect on the day of Madeleine’s disappearance. The first number is +351 912 730 680. Extensive enquiries have led investigators to believe the suspect was using this number and received a call, starting at 7.32pm and finishing at 8.02pm on 3 May 2007. This call was received in the area of Praia da Luz. The second mobile number is +351 916 510 683. This number is the phone number that made this call. We know the person was not in the area of Praia da Luz.Investigators believe the person who made this call is a highly significant witness and are appealing for them to get in touch.The Operation Grange team is also asking anyone if they recognise these numbers. Did you ever call them? Do you have them in your phone, an old phone or your electronic contacts?The Operation Grange incident room can be contacted via 0207 321 9251 or [email protected].

Posted by Metropolitan Police Service on Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Detektivi su pronašli kamper za koji vjeruju da ga je koristio i pregledaju ga zbog potencijalnih forenzičkih tragova.

Osim vozila, značajan trag je i telefonski poziv koji je osumnjičeni muškarac primio na dan nestanka male Medi. Kako javlja Mirror, policija je registrovala poziv na njegov mobilni telefon nedaleko od Praje da Luž sat prije nestanka djevojčice.

Policija smatra da je pozivatelj ključan svjedok u ovom slučaju. Nije bio tad u Portugalu i ne vode ga kao osumnjičenog. A objavili su i broj telefona.

Znam da je neobično što objavljujemo brojeve telefona. Ali vjerujemo da postoje ljudi koji mogu znati nešto o sumnjivcu kojeg smo opisali. Obraćamo se vama. Osumnjičeni je u zatvoru i razumijemo da su se neki ljudi možda bojali kontaktirati policiju prethodnih godina. Ali ako vam se povjerio o slučaju Medelajn Meken ili imate bilo kakva saznanja, javite se britanskoj, njemačkoj ili portugalskoj policiji – rekao je inspektor Mark Krenvel.

Djevojčica je nestala je iz apartmana u portugalskom ljetovalištu gdje je bila s roditeljima Kejt i Džordžom i te bratom i sestrom.

Muškarac trenutno izdržava dugu kaznu u njemačkom zatvoru, gdje je osumnjičen i za druga krivična djela.

Meken je nestala iz apartmana u odmaralištu 3. maja 2007. godine, a istraga o njenom nestanku jedna je od najopsežnijih i najskupljih u novijoj istoriji.

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