
KAPA DOLJE Sara je bez blama pokazala TONU CELULITA i STRIJA

Nedavno je blogerka Sara Nikol Landri dospjela u žižu interesovanja, a sve zbog jedne interesantne fotografije koja je nosila važnu poruku sa sobom. Naime, ova mlada dama objavila je na Instagramu fotku na kojoj prikazuje višak svoje kože od koje je prstima formirala srce.

KAPA DOLJE Sara je bez blama pokazala TONU CELULITA i STRIJA

Mnogi od nas imaju ovakvu kožu zbog bilo kakvog rasta ili promjene koja se dogodila u našim tijelima. Koža koja se bora i savija, a ipak je mekana i nježna. Koža koja je dobro obavila svoj posao. Koža koja je učinila tačno ono što je i trebalo – napisala je Sara pored fotografije.

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I’ve watched this photo of my stomach go viral a few times. Each time I’m reminded of the simplicity of a moment and its power when you share it. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Many of us have skin like this. From whatever growth or change happened in our bodies. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Skin that wrinkles and folds, yet is soft and delicate. Skin that did a good job. Skin that did exactly what it was supposed to do. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ My daughter took this picture. I told her I wanted to share this part of me but I didn’t know how to capture it since it was something that didn’t show itself unless it was moved. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I tried making my hand into a heart and it looked all wrong until she said “flip your hands, like this” and positioned my hands in the perfect heart. She snapped the photos and we smiled when we got the perfect one. ⁣⁣ The simplicity of our moment. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Sharing this was not an act of bravery. It was a moment of me wanting to show up and share something that I’d come to learn was normal. It was from the desire to find connection and peace in my own body by freeing myself of the holds of a lie that said this skin, MY SKIN, was the reason why I could never have a “good body”. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But my body is a good body. ⁣⁣ She’s done a great job. ⁣⁣ She’s carried me. ⁣⁣ Held me. ⁣⁣ Felt my tears. ⁣⁣ Felt every hug I’ve ever been given. ⁣⁣ Felt every kiss too. ⁣⁣ She’s brought 3 of my best friends into this world. ⁣⁣ And travelled with me to new parts of the world. ⁣⁣ She’s endured my hate for her and yet she always loved me through it. ⁣⁣ She’s changed and adapted and wiggled and jiggled through life with me. ⁣⁣ She is not all of me. But she is part of me. Yet all of her is good and worthy and now loved. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But I love this photo. The simplicity of its moment. The power it had when it was shared. ⁣ ⁣ A simple statement of love and appreciation for a job well done.

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– Ovo nije bio čin hrabrosti. Bio je to trenutak kada sam htjela da podijelim sa vama nešto za šta želim da drugi shvate da je normalno. Uradila sam to iz želje da pronađete način u sebi da se oslobodite od laži koje su vam usađene, a to je da zbog svoje kože nikada nećete imati “dobro tijelo”. Ali moje tijelo je dobro tijelo. Uradilo je odličan posao. Nosilo me je. Osjetila sam suze. Osjetila sam svaki zagrljaj koji sam ikada dobila. Osjetila sam svaki poljubac. Donijelo je tri moja najbolja prijatelja na ovaj svijet. Ovo je jednostavna izjava ljubavi i zahvalnosti mojoj koži za dobro obavljen posao – dodala je ova mlada mama, piše Blic Žena.

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You don’t owe the world a two piece bikini. You don’t owe them perky boobs and a flat stomach, either. You don’t need to apologize for your bloat that day, or explain why you’ve gained those extra 15lbs. ⁣ ⁣ But, it’s also ok if you do. It’s ok to wear a two piece. It’s ok to have perky boobs and a flat stomach. It’s ok to share why you’re bloated. It’s ok to talk about those 15lbs, perhaps even normalizing a flux in weight. ⁣ ⁣ In the realm of body confidence many feel pushed to get there. There’s a pull between wanting to be accepted, wanting to be as confident as somebody else is, and also just wanting to feel comfortable, too. ⁣ ⁣ Let this be the final message…⁣ ⁣ Just come. ⁣ Just show up. ⁣ However you are today. ⁣ ⁣ If you wear full jeans in the summer because you’re not ready for shorts, thanks for being here. ⁣ ⁣ If you rock a two piece and own your cellulite and stretch marks, thanks for being here. ⁣ ⁣ If you’re bloated and PMSing or holding extra weight but came anyway, thanks for being here.⁣ ⁣ If you’ve got perky boobs and a flat stomach, naturally or not, thanks for being here. ⁣ ⁣ The point is not (and never will be!) HOW you show up. The point will always be just that you DID. ⁣ ⁣ Just happy you came. ⁣ Thanks for being here. ⁣ 👙 #gifted by @laleleibikini

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Inače, ova Instagram zvijezda, koju prati gotovo 400 hiljada ljudi, i inače je poznata po smjelim i hrabrim fotografijama na kojima pokazuje svoje nesavršenosti, a ipak izgleda predivno.

Sara uz sve fotografije dijeli i inspirativne tekstove kojima želi ženama širom svijeta da dokaže da treba da vole sebe takve kakve jesu.

– Svijetu ne dugujete dvodijelni bikini. Ne dugujete mu podignute grudi i ravan stomak. Ne morate se izvinjavati ako ste naduti taj dan ili objašnjavati nekome zašto ste dobili sedam kilograma – njene su riječi pored jedne od brojnih fotografija na kojima je pokazala celulit i opuštenu kožu.

Ona je jedna od rijetkih žena koja promoviše body positivity pokret, a da zapravo zaista djeluje u skladu sa istim… Na njenom profilu nema fotošopiranih fotografija, već se na svakoj jasno vide Sarini nedostaci koji su sasvim normalni i kakve zapravo većina žena ima.

Ova plavokosa ljepotica osvrnula se i na činjenicu koliko poza može da promijeni fotografiju, te koliko tijelo drugačije izgleda kada je “montirano”, te kada nije.

– Nemojte upoređivati svoju jutarnju opuštenu šetnju pored ogledala s nečijom uvučenom i namještenom pozom na slici. Nijedno nije pogrešno. I nijedno nije ispravno. To su samo odrazi. I nečiji tuđi ne treba upropastiti vaš. Dajte sebi malo ljubavi i zagrljaja – napisala je ona pored kolaža dvije fotke.

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