
VAŽNO JE POKAZATI I DRUGU STRANU Srpska teniserka prebačena u bolnicu, a njene riječi su inispirisale mnoge

Bivša teniserka Jelena Dokić iznenada je završila u bolnici zbog zdravstvenih problema. Jelena je prije tri dana hospitalizovana u Melburnu, zbog upale pluća, piše Blic.

VAŽNO JE POKAZATI I DRUGU STRANU Srpska teniserka prebačena u bolnicu, a njene riječi su inispirisale mnoge

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This is where I spent my last 3 days,in the hospital. I don’t usually post things like this but I thought I would post this because things that you see on Instagram and all the glamours things that we sometimes post are not always reality and don’t always show the true picture of what is going on so it’s important to show the other side of it as well. I have been working a lot especially in the last few months and unfortunately it caught up with me and I came down with a really bad flu and pneumonia on Monday as well as exhaustion.I had to spend a few days in hospital but I am a lot better now and back at work at the @australianopen . So to everyone out there make sure you take some time for yourself and recharge.Look after yourselves. Thank you to the medical team at the @australianopen ,to everyone at Epworth Hospital Emergency Department and also to everyone at @wwos for looking after me the last few days and making sure I am well and back on my feet as soon as possible. 🙈🤕🤢😷🤒🤮 #hospital #glam #exhaustion #exhausted #sick #recharge #takecare #takecareofyourself #feeling #better #flu #pneumonia #melbourne #australia #looking #glam #lookoftheday #mood #vibes #strong #unbreakable #reality #workinghard #iamback #big #month #fighting

A post shared by JELENA DOKIC 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 (@dokic_jelena) on

Posljednja tri dana sam provela u bolnici. Obično ne postavljam ovakve stvari na društvene mreže, ali sam objavila da vidite da sve glamurozne stvari koje vidite na Instagramu nisu stvarnost i ne pokazuju pravu sliku onoga što se događa u našim životima. Važno je pokazati i drugu stranu. Mnogo sam radila, posebno posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci i nažalost sve to me je sustiglo. Zaradila sam grip i upalu pluća, organizam mi je iscrpljen… zato vam savjetujem da odvojite vrijeme za sebe i svoje zdravlje, kako biste ‘napunuli baterije’. Hvala svim doktorima što su posljednjih dana brinuli o meni i pobrinuli se da se svojim aktivnostima vratim što prije – poručila je Jelena uz fotografiju iz bolnice.

Teniserka je prije nešto više od godinu dana vodila veliku bitku za zdravlje, s obzirom na to da se zbog problema sa štitnom žlijezdom za kratko vrijeme ugojila 60 kilograma.

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