

Ana Bej (32) iz Londona bila je djevojka sasvim prosječnog izgleda. Rođena je u Švedskoj, a u Londonu je počela njena transformacija za koju je potrošila gomilu novca.


Sredila je nos, što ju je koštalo 10.000 funti, uradila ekstenzije kose, filere, botoks i još gomilu sitnih intervencija, a sve sa jasnim ciljem kako bi zavela milionera. Sada ima svoj vrlo praćen blog na kome podučava djevojke kako da se i one transformišu kako bi pronašle svog milionera.

– Počela sam kao najobičnija devojka bez ikakve ideje kako da izvučem najbolje iz sebe. Mnogo godina sam pokušavala i griješila kako bih prokljuvila šta tačno treba da radim. Moja transformacija nije se desila preko noći. Bila je naporna, bolna i skupa. Bolno je priznati sve svoje mane i dobro ih sagledati, ali to je jedini način da shvatite šta treba da uradite kako biste se popravili. U našoj kulturi se dobar izgled uvijek isplati i dramatično pomaže da uspjete u životu – poručuje Ana, koja je uz transformaciju i smršala 15 kilograma.

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How to deal with hate: Don’t give away your power to these people. 🙅‍♀️ – 🧨 When we start hating back = we give away our power to that person. – 🧨Every time we lose our cool = we give away our power to that person. – 🧨 When a person upsets us >> he/she starts influencing what you’re thinking, feeling and behaving = this person has now got the power over you. 🙅‍♀️ – Do you want to be a puppet to other people? – 🧿 Successful people don’t allow one person’s opinion to define them. – 🧿 Criticism (that is not constructive) is always a reflection of the critic, never of you. – 🧿 Angry people enjoy giving harsh criticism because it relieves their stress. – 🧿 People with low self-esteem feel better about themselves when they put other people down. – 🧿 When you receive hate, think about if you want to invite that person inside your head and give them this offer to play havoc in there. – 🧿 Ask yourself if you want to give value to an activity that is not giving you energy, but instead stealing energy from you? Remember that our energy is the most precious currency we own – and it’s limited! – 🧿 Taking back your power will make you stronger as a person. Think about all these things next time you have an unwanted passenger wanting to freeload on your energies. Don’t give away your power to these people! – 🧘🏼‍♀️ Photo: How I look when I deal with hate these days. – 📷 Photographer: @elgola #schoolofaffluence #jetsetbabe #cyberbullying #haters

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– Kada sam počela transformaciju, jela sam prilično nezdravo. Promijenila sam i način ishrane i to mi je dodatno pomoglo – kaže Ana, koja se sada hrani isključivo zdravo i tek povremeno se počasti čašom vina i sa malo čokolade.

– To što sam skinula 15 kilograma mi je pomoglo da promijenim strukturu lica, a o tijelu da ne govorim. Muškarci su poslije toga počeli da se lijepe na mene – poručuje Ana.

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Tomorrow we’re starting with School of Affluence! The first module of the course is released tomorrow morning, and I’m so excited! 😃😃 – 💎 In the course introduction, we will go deep into understanding what our personal goals are in the elite circles. There are so many different routes one can take, not every luxury lifestyle looks the same. The beauty is that we can create the lifestyle that we desire for ourselves if we’re just clear enough in our mind what we want from life! – 💎 You see, women have different materialistic goals, different emotional goals, and it’s important to scrutinize yourself to know what you need in your life to feel fulfilled, and then strategize according to that. Not everyone is the same and not everyone wants the same thing! (Even if we all want the good life!) – 💎 After the course introduction and gaining clarity, we will discuss the first main topic and how we can align our energy with the rich. I will explain in detail what I believe is the most efficient method of entering the high-society and what everyone must do regardless if they’re just starting out in the affluent community or are already established! The first module is covering both strategies, some life coaching but also the realistic details of how the elite community works! – 💎 If you want to join us, see the link in my bio for registration! ❤️❤️

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Kako kaže, uskoro poslije transformacije, počela je da primjećuje da joj život postaje bolji na svim poljima. Ljudi su bili mnogo ljubazniji prema njoj, mnogo spremniji da joj izađu u susret, a muškarci oblijetali oko nje.

– Sad mogu da kažem sa sigurnošću da je ulaganje u sebe najbolja investicija. Ali ne zaboravite, cilj ovakvih transformacija nije da ličite na nekog drugog, već na najbolju verziju sebe. I nikad nije kasno da uzmete stvari u svoje ruke – poručuje ona na svom blogu.

(Žena Blic)

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